/Now the word today tells you clearly and directly what you need to do to receive a blessing that is in God’s Will, or if you need a breakthrough in your life. The Word of God says you must REMAIN. Do you know what remain means? It means to stay, abide, persist, endure, last, prevail. So if you are wondering what you need to do for that breakthrough or blessing, well you must abide in Him, which means you must stay with Him, building a personal relationship with Him. If you want Him, He must know who you are in a special way. Can you say with confidence that God knows you in a special way? You must persist, which means don’t give up or out, stay the course. Don’t deviate to the left nor the right but stay on the straight and narrow path He has prepared especially for you. You must endure to the end, meaning it might get rocky sometimes, things may not go the way you envisioned it but stay the course so you can say I prevailed.
Next the scripture says God’s Word must be in your heart. When do you read your Bible? Is it only on Sunday morning during the sermon? Is it only when you are in a jam? If His Word is going to remain in you, you must read it daily. Reading God’s Word can be difficult, so reading it every now and then is not going to cut it. You must ask Him to reveal His Word to you as you read it. If you ask Him for interpretation of His Word, He will, through the Holy Spirit. This scripture today reveals that God desires a personal relationship with you and just like you have people with whom you will do anything for because they’re your friends, is exactly what God is saying in this scripture. If you take time out for Him, if He can call you friend, then He will surely take time out for you. Our God is always with us but we must stop just picking Him up when we want something. We must seek Him diligently everyday.
Be blessed!
John 15:7
“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.”