A Little Talk With Jesus
/What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear. All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer. Are you one of those that hold on to what you can’t handle? If so, you should stop and give it to Jesus right now. He is the only one that can handle any situation that is before you. He is the one that can make the impossible, possible. He is the one that can keep you from dangers seen and unseen. He is the one that can keep you in the midst of a storm. He is the light in darkness. So why are you holding on to what you cannot handle, when you serve an all powerful God? The scripture today says, “Be careful for nothing,.....stop holding on to the battle you can’t win without Him.... but in EVERYTHING by prayer...... prayer is the key factor in a Christian’s life. Without a prayer life, you have no true personal relationship with God. Prayer is how we communicate with the Father through Jesus Christ. If you are not telling Him all about your struggles, desires and needs, then what are you doing. You might say, doesn’t He know everything about me? Yes He does know everything about you, but He wants to hear from you. He wants an intimate relationship with you. If you are in love with someone, don’t you spend time with them? So if you are saying you love the Lord, then what time are you spending with Him. Prayer is your way of spending time with Him. Prayer is your way to growing spiritually. There is power in prayer, strongholds are broken when you pray but also satan is on your trail when you pray. He is trying at all cost to make you doubt the Lord and stop praying. So be vigilant when you pray because the enemy is right around the corner.... and supplication.....The word supplication is another form of prayer. Supplication is when you petition what you want or need from God in all humility. Humble is the way at all times. When you are humble and not full of pride, God can work on your behalf and that’s when He can use you in a mighty way......with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God.... When you come before the Lord, you should always come thanking Him for what He has already done in your life. Thank Him for giving you one more day to make a difference in this sinful world for His glory. After thanking Him for what He has already done and for what He is about to do, then tell him what you want. It really is that simple, but do make sure what you ask for is what He wants to do for you, in other words make sure it is in His Will for your life. I want many things and need many things but I have taught myself to say, “God, if it is in your will, let it be done. If not, please give me your grace to sustain me.
Pray people of God and enjoy that personal and intimate relationship with the Father through His Son.
Be blessed!
Philippians 4:6
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;”