Dropping Weight
/This verse is hard for the carnal minded person in you. Why? It is hard because we don’t like to let go and let God fight our battles. Even though you have already seen Him in action, but you still want to hold on to grudges against people. That spirit in you is a chain that is holding you down, and if you don’t pray to the Lord to help you break that chain of not forgiving people, then you will allow satan to have something over you. God forbid! Another reason why it is hard to forgive is because of PRIDE. The Word of God says pride comes before a fall. When you are too prideful, you will miss out on many opportunities for God to use you for His Glory. You are missing out on blessings with your name on it because you won’t let go and let God. What helps me release my frustration when people say or do things to hurt me, I think about me and how I’ve messed up more times than I can count but still Christ forgave me and died for me so my sins could be forgiven in the sight of His Father. Oh my God, when I think about how Christ forgives, then who am I not to forgive? Who are you, that you can’t forgive your mom, dad, sister, or the sister or brother at church? Who are you, that you can’t lay pride to the side and say God I’m turning this over to you to handle on my behalf. People of God, when you release that anger or disappointment in your life, you will feel a weight be released from your life. Hebrews 12:1 says to lay aside EVERY weight that so easily besets is so we can run with patience the race that is before us. You can’t do the work of God wholeheartedly when you are allowing things to weigh you down, an unforgiving spirit is a weight. Let it go! Open up your heart right now and say Lord help me to lay aside this unforgiving spirit in me, so I can be and do all you want me to do for your Kingdom . He is listening, so just call on Him.
Be blessed!
Colossians 3:13
“bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.”