A True Friend
/What is friendship? Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people. Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association. When you say I’m your friend, it should mean something. Being someone’s friend is more than just hanging out. A true friend is someone you can count on. A true friend is someone who lifts you up and is there whenever you need them. A true friend will be with you through the good times and the bad times. A true friend loves you unconditionally. I have not been fortunate to have a friend like the description above, but I have a friend in Jesus. He is the best friend I could ever have. His friendship is one that is closer to you than your own brother or sister. If you call Jesus your friend, then you have developed a relationship with Him. Having a friend in Jesus takes effort on your part. If you want to call Jesus your friend, you must spend time with Him. You must read His word to get an understanding of who He really is. If He is your true friend, then you should surrender to His Will for your life. Now a human friend can’t solve all your problems, but Christ can truly solve all your problems. When you are Jesus’ friend, He truly loves you unconditionally and wants you to love Him with your whole heart and soul. The word today says a friend loves at all times and is there in adversity. You might not find a human friend that has those qualities all the time, but you can find all those qualities and more in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Have you tried Him? Do you know Him? Can you testify with me that He’s alright!!
Be blessed!
Proverbs 17:17
“A friend loves at all times,
And a brother is born for adversity.”