Do Unto Others...
/Have you heard of do unto others as you would have them do unto you? This phrase is stated a lot, but not really implemented. If people would take on the mindset of Christ and treat people like He treated people while on earth, oh what a better world this would be! Many times people, me included are too harsh with people. We act first and think later and that is the opposite way we should act. We should think, pray and seek God’s wisdom before we open our mouth or take action. We are quick to act on impulse but the word of God says, “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” This scripture states the opposite of what we normally do, and we need to be mindful of our actions when it comes to dealing with people. I think if we are more conscious of our actions when dealing with people then we are able to catch how we are treating others. I think if we make it a point to add into our daily prayer, Lord help me with how I interact with others. Give me a compassionate spirit. Help me be a good listener that is slow to speak and slow to anger. Lord, I can’t do this on my own, so please give me your wisdom in how to deal with people on a daily basis. If we intentionally pray this prayer, the Lord will start working on our attitude and how we interact with people. We must remember how Christ is patient with us who are imperfect people. How can we expect perfection when we are imperfect people, yet Christ deals with us carefully everyday. He listens to our plea for help. He answers our prayers. He protects us from danger seen and unseen. He blesses us daily. He does all this and more everyday. We say we want to be more like Him, but do we take the steps to be like Him in our lives? Well that is the question you can only answer. In closing, let’s be prayerful about our interaction with people. Let’s ask the Lord to help us be compassionate with others like He is compassionate with us.
Be intentional!
Luke 6:36
“Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.”