Don't Worry
/People of God, why do you worry so, when God knows and sees all? We spend a lot of time worrying about everything. We worry about bills, our children, our jobs, what are we going to wear, our weight, our parents, and the list goes on. Our God does not want you to worry. He wants you to trust Him more. He has said in His word, if I can provide for the birds in the air, and clothed the grass in the fields, then how much more will I do for you who are my children. People of God, we must put down the seed of worrying and pick up the seed of faith. Just a little faith can make things happen in your life, but you must know that you can’t be worried about what you are saying you are trusting God for. If you are truly trusting Him to make away for you, then just be in continuous prayer until He works it out. There is power in prayer. The word of God also says seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. In other words, when you start taking care of God’s business, He will turnaround and take care of your business. Stop trying to handle what is out of your control. Somethings He will give you the wisdom to handle, but there are somethings you need to take your hands off and turn it over to Christ so He can work it out. There is a familiar hymn that says is your all on the alter of sacrifice laid? Your heart does the Spirit control? You can only be blessed and have peace and sweet rest, until all on the alter is laid. This means you must give it all to Him and take your hands off. He can do whatever you need Him to do if it is in His Will for you. He can take care of your children, your job, your bills, your parents, even your weight if you seek Him first in all you do and give whatever is worrying you to Him to handle. Will you try Him today? He can and He will work it out on your behalf.
Be blessed!
Matthew 6:25
“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?”