Open Your Eyes
/God has given us everything we need to live a holy life that is pleasing and acceptable unto Him, but the problem is that we take bits and pieces of what He has shown us in His word. He has given us glimpses of His glory right here on earth, but many of us dismiss it and give the credit to global warming. He has left the Holy Spirit to guide us, but we close out the Holy Spirit for our own self gratification. He gave us His only begotten Son to die for our sins past, present and future, but we keep on intentionally sinning against the Father instead of repenting against sin. We say stupid stuff like “this is the norm,” “people everywhere are doing it , so God must be alright with it”, “this is my truth,” “God made me this way,” “as long as we are here, we must do as the Romans do,” “He said render unto Caesar what is Caesar.” We have a tendency to take what God said in His word and twist and turn it to fit our own purpose. This is exactly how the enemy traps the people of God. He has them to read or hear a part of God’s word and not the whole part of God’s word. This is the reason why people are comfortable living in their sin because they really don’t believe they are doing anything wrong. That’s why people can sing and pray in church but live with a man or women not married. That’s why people can have kids by a married man or with a married woman and be alright with it. People of God we must seek God’s wisdom when it comes to His Word. We must ask Him for discernment, so we can separate truth from myth. We must study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. We must truly see the salvation of the Lord and all His righteousness. He is showing us everyday His glory when we can awake and see His new mercies. He is showing us His power when we can make it back into our house in one piece. This world we live in is wicked and satan is going to and fro like wildfire seeking out whose life he can destroy or take out. So just to make it back home is a blessing all by itself, so don’t take it for granted but give God some praise for His protection. The word today says that just as the heavens are giving God glory, so should we because everyday He is showing us His beauty, His love, His Grace and Mercy. The last verse in this chapter says, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Let’s not be fooled but open our eyes and see everything that God has left for us to see to know that He is the way, the truth and the life and there is no one like Him
Be blessed!
Psalms 19:1
“The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork.”