I Want to Be Like Jesus
/My daily prayer. Change me oh God! Create in me a clean heart, so I can be more like you. When we say this, what are we really saying? I don’t know about your interpretation, but my interpretation is that I truly want to love like Christ loves His church. Not to be judgmental. Not to pick and choose to whom I will love. I want my actions to be thoughtful and not predictable. I want to be able to accept people where they are in life and pray for God’s guidance to help move them to where He wants them to be, not to where I want them to be. When we look at the life of Christ here on earth, He was loving, direct, humble, firm and not judgmental. He was not one way one day and another way the next day. He is and was the same yesterday, today and forever more. Yes Lord, create in me a clean heart, so I can be more like you in my daily walk with you.
Psalms 51:10
“Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.”