He Hears You
/Don’t let the enemy tell you that our God is not listening to your cry! He is listening and watching over those He has called out from among the darkness. If that’s you, then He is listening to your prayers. We must learn to be patient. His timing is not our timing and His ways are not our ways, but He’s never too late, in fact, He’s always on time when we need Him the most. Don’t doubt His word, just trust and believe that what you have ask for is done in the mighty name of Jesus. In your prayers make sure you say not my will oh Lord, but your will be done in my situation. When you let go of what you want and give Him full power in your life, you will then see the manifestation of this great God we serve! He is always near because His Word says He is. He is a waymaker and a mind regulator. He is a company keeper. He is the light in darkness. He is the balm in Gilead. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is my rose of Sharon. As the older generation would say, He is the wheel in the middle of a wheel. He is the fire that keeps on burning. He is the Lilly of the valley and the bright and morning star. Yes he is all of these things and more, so don’t you let the enemy tell you other wise. He is watching over you, your family and listening to your prayers of need. Trust and depend on Him today because it is only through Christ Jesus that your prayers will get through to the Father.
1 Peter 3:12
“For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
And His ears are open to their prayers;
But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”