Go & Be BOLD
/Philippians 4:9
“The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.”
I hope you know that you were not chosen to be set a part so you could sit down and do nothing. No! When God chose you, He had a purpose for you and that was to glorify Him and go and tell someone else about the Good News. You were chosen to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So my question to you is are you fulfilling the call that was placed on your life or are you giving the Lord excuses why you can’t do it right now? Have you allowed the burdens of this world to weigh you down? The word of God says? “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,” You and I are not suppose to allow this world to weigh us down because we have a God who cares for us and He has clearly said in His word that we are to cast all, not some, our hurt, pain, disappointment, troubles, haters, gossipers on Him because He cares for us. If you don’t really know it, then let me enlighten you, this great God we serve loves you and does not have any intentions of harming you. Many times we can’t witness to others because we have made moves in our lives without consulting God, and now we are serving the consequences of our own mistakes. You allowed the enemy to persuade you to do what you were not suppose to do. The word of God says, “Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one.” James 1:13 We must be careful in this life we are living to seek God’s face in everything we do before doing it. He has said in His word to seek first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness and all other things will be add unto you. In other words, He can clearly guide you through what you think you are suppose to do. He can and will let you know if this is the direction He wants you to take. So stop making decisions first and asking God second. This way of thinking is hindering you from your purpose in Christ Jesus. This way of thinking is keeping you from telling others what you have learned about this great God we serve. This way of thinking is hindering you from putting into practice all of what God has commissioned you to do. Be careful that the life you are living is pleasing in the sight of God because if your life stinks then it hinders your testimony. You will not be able to tell others about how God wants them to live if you are living a life like the world lives. You just want to do you and say God I think this is best because of this or that. Let me stop you right here! Who told you that what you think is best is best? You, who have been set a part should be governed by what God says is best for your life. This is another area we get twisted. We are clearly living a foul life and still want to preach Jesus. Now don’t get me wrong, I know we are sinners saved by God’s grace and yes we sin every day. When I talked about living a foul life is referring to those saints who insist on living with a man or woman when you know that is wrong. I’m talking about those of you out there who continue to fornicate and you clearly know what God has said about that. I’m talking about those of you that lie and cheat for no reason and you clearly know what God has said about that. God is not marked people of God and what so ever you soweth you will reap. I know this for a fact because I am still feeling the repercussions of my failure to seek God before taking action in my life. I’m glad for His grace because if it wasn’t for His grace and mercy on me, I would not be able to stand and speak His word. I would not have this man of God in my life for 26 years and counting. I would not be able to minister His love for us in song. People of God, the Father has an assignment for each of us to do, so let’s start acting upon that assignment because He is always with us.
Be blessed and BE BOLD FOR GOD!