Got Faith?
/2 Corinthians 4:18
“For we fix our attention, not on things that are seen, but on things that are unseen. What can be seen lasts only for a time, but what cannot be seen lasts forever.”
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. I wanted to open with this scripture this morning because if you are not going to look at your present situation as the end of it all, you must have faith. If you are going to focus on what you cannot see, you must have faith. When it comes to looking beyond what we see right now, we must look through our spiritual lenses. Our spiritual lenses shows us what is to come if we hold on to our faith in God. If we don’t doubt His word. If we put on our whole armor to withstand the fiery obstacles the enemy throws our way to knock us off the correct pathway. The enemy wants you to loose sight on what will be and only focus on your right now situation. If you allow the enemy to take your right now situation and make you believe this is what it will be for you, then you will never move beyond your present situation to see what God really has for you. If I only believe what I see right now in my life, then I would have never stepped out on faith to do the My Father’s Heart Women’s Conference. The Lord put this conference in my vision to do this year with all the other real things going on in my life that take real money. If I only operate on what I see with my physical eye, this conference will never be. So I remain prayerful, steadfast and unmovable in the work of the Lord, trusting in what I can’t see . Believing that since God put it in my view, He will provide for and make this conference all that He designed it to be. What He needs from me is faith that in spite what it looks like, He has this conference in control. God has already proven Himself to me by bringing the speakers for this conference who don’t know me personally but know Him personally and has relied on their relationship with Him to say yes to the vision and mission of the My Father’s Heart Women’s Conference. God has put a supportive team of people in my inner circle, who in their own way encourages me to keep moving forward despite what the physical eyes can see. This is how God operates, He shows that He is with you and has not left you alone by the people He puts in your path. God uses people to bless you emotionally, spiritually and financially. All He needs from you is to stay the course.So this scripture today is especially for me because I needed to be reminded to fix my eyes on what I can’t see that will lead to eternal gain and giving God the glory because He is so good to me.
Be blessed and focus with your spiritual eyes that will lead you to what God has in store for you !