Are You Sold Out for Jesus?
/John 14:21
“He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.””
Yesterday we talked about following God’s purpose for our life. We know that when you take care of God’s business, He will take care of your business.
There is no friend greater or mightier than the God we serve. I can say this because I have made up in my mind that for God I live and for God I die. I know there is no one like the God I have given my life to. I have laid down my will for His will. I have accepted His commandments, and decided to obey whatever He wants me to do in my life. A few years ago I told the Lord that I wanted to understand the scripture and be able to retain verses to memory. He has been working with me on my request, because He knows that I love Him with my whole heart. He knows that I love what He loves and hate what He hates. He knows that I am sold out for Him. Does Christ know that you are sold out for Him? The word today says,” Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me.” Are you among those who accept and obeys His commandments? This means you are not making excuses about why you are not witnessing to others. You are not making excuses why you don’t have time to read His word and attend a Bible study. You are not making excuses about why your prayer life is weak. You are not making excuses why you are not a giver of your time and talents. You are not making excuses why you are not a tither. You are not making excuses anymore, you are just following what He has stated in His word. The only reason you are done with excuses is because you love Him and you love the fact that He gave His life so you could have eternal life with Him. You love that He has called you out from among the rest. You love that you are a child of the King. You love that your life is in His hands. If you are reading this post and you cannot truly say you accept and obey His commandments, then today is a good day to give your life to Christ. It is simple, just ADMIT that you are a sinner and ask for forgiveness of your sins. Next you must BELIEVE in your heart that He died and rose for your sins past, present and future. Lastly you must CONFESS that He is the King of kings and ALL power is in His hands. If you do these three things with a sincere heart, then you will be saved. Come on the Lord’s side, it will be the best decision you could ever make in your life.
You will now be among those who accept and obey His commandments and who loves the Master with your whole heart.
Be blessed!