/When you truly make up your mind and follow Christ, He will restore you. What does restore mean? He will bring you back to His Father who is in Heaven. Your choice to surrender to His will for your life, allows the Holy Spirit to dwell in you and be your permanent guide. As the Holy Spirit leads you, you will notice how the old you will start fading away day by day. You will notice how the new you will start to react to things differently. When things don’t happen the way you plan, you will no longer react first and think later. You will think first, seek God’s understanding, then react. The way you act will be different. You will no longer follow the status quo, you will follow the Holy Spirit. You will listen more and seek the wisdom of God. You will learn when to speak and when to be quite. You will learn that everything does not need your opinion. Now some people might see this as weakness, but who are you trying to please, people or your Heavenly Father? When you have been restored, then the Spirit of God will lead you in the paths of righteousness for the name sake of the Father who is in Heaven. So children of God, the word of God in Jeremiah states that "'For I Know The Plans I Have For You' Declares the Lord, 'Plansto Prosper Youand Not to Harm You, Plansto Give YouHope and a Future.“ He alone knows the plans He has for you, and it is not to harm you but to prosper you that you will live a life of holiness because He is holy. He has a purpose for each of us and we must make sure that we are following His purpose for our lives. We must make sure our actions follow His way and not our own. When you surrender your will for His will, things change in your life. Some people you will need to leave behind. Some places you are no longer allowed to go, but don’t worry because He will give you new friends who will be there to uphold you. He will send you to new places beyond what you could ever think. I will leave you with this old song that says, He’s a mighty good Leader, He’s a mighty good Leader all the way. All the way from earth to Heaven. Let Jesus lead you all the way. Let Jesus lead you all the way!
Be Blessed!
We have 16 days until registration ends for the My Father’s Heart Women’s Conference.