The Carnal Mind
/3 John 1:11
“Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God“
As a child of the Most High King, you should love what He loves and hate what He hates. If you are doing things that are not pleasing in the Lord’s eyes, then my question to you is why? Why do you do things you know that God does not approve of? Things like cursing or fornication, or being a habitual liar, or a peace breaker. I could go on and on, but I know you understand what I am saying. Have you ever thought about why these things are so easy for you to do? You do wrong, live wrong and don’t even have a second thought about it. The reason is because you have developed a carnal mind. This mind knows about Christ but refuses to do what honors Him because sin feels right to you and you try to justify that sin by saying sin is sin and I’m only doing this one thing wrong. Well, I will tell you that sin is sin but there are levels of sin and you knowing what is right and wrong is different from a person who has not accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. Christ is going to judge you harder because you have decided to love what God hates and that is very trifling if I may say so myself. If someone did something they knew you did not like but did it anyway, you would be very upset and not happy. Our Savior is not happy when we go contrary to living a life that pleases Him, and because our choices are moving in the opposite direction of what He expects, we will suffer the consequences. Look at the word of God today, it says we are suppose to follow that which is good and not evil. It also says that those who do good is of God and those that do evil is NOT of God. Is that what you want said about you, that you are not of God? I would not want that said about me because He has done too much for me, for me to openly disrespect Him by committing a sin that I know He does not approve of. People of God it’s not too late to stop right now, this very moment and turn from your wicked ways and seek God’s forgiveness. It’s not too late to repent, which means to turn away from sin, and do what God expects of us who have been called out from among the world to live holy because He is holy; to let our light shine so that others can come to know the Savior who died for sins past, present and future. Don’t allow satan to blindside you with feeling good living an unrighteous life. God has created you to glorify Him in everything you do and say, so stop going the wrong way and turn around before it is too late.
Be blessed!
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