Be Humble & Gentle
/Ephesians 4:1
I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,
Somebody asked me, how do I balance my profession with also being a Pastor’s wife? I told that person that whatever I do I am a representation of the God I serve. My job is to act like Him in everything I do. I must be humble because He is humble. I must be holy because He is holy. Today’s word talks about how we should treat our fellow man. Whenever Christ dealt with people, He was always gentle, He knew they were wrong and wanted to trap Him and make Him say or do the wrong thing, but He never raised His voice when He rebuked them. He was always calm and gentle with them. So as a leader at church and on my job, I too must resemble Him by being calm and gentle even when I know the enemy is trying to get me to shame my Father. Christ never gave people that satisfaction of making Him shame His Father. I try not to be caught up in pride because I know pride comes before a fall but humble is the way because the Word says, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” (Ephesians 4:21) In our daily walk, we must treat others with humility because the Word of God tells us to. When Christ was on earth, He treated others with humility and patience. When I think about all my mess ups and how the Father is patient with me, I must resemble Him and be patient with others too. Why must we do what this scripture is asking us to do, especially when we know people are deliberately doing us wrong or coming at us to harm our integrity? The reason is because of LOVE. Christ loved us so much, in spite of our in perfection, our wrong doing, our sin that He went to that cross and allowed the Roman soldiers to lift Him high and stretch Him wide. He allowed the Roman soldiers to pierce His side an put nails in His hands and feet because of His love for us. So if you want to be like Christ, you must strive to act like Him in all your ways. If He didn’t curse, then why are you letting those words come from your mouth, if you say you are a child of the King. I’ve never understood people who curse and call Christ name in the same sentence. It is baffling to me because our lives should resemble Him in every way. We will never be perfect but let us strive to be more like Him with each passing day. So the question was how do I balance the two, I don’t balance two, I am a child of the King and everywhere I go and what I do, and what I say resembles who I serve, which is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Don’t worry if people think you are weak because the word of God also says, “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.” (James 3:13) You are not weak in the eyes of the Lord, you are using His Godly wisdom and He honors your choice to rely on Him in every step you take. He will move you ahead of others because He knows He has your heart. He honors those who honor Him.
Treat others with love, no matter where you are or what position you are in and God will bless you.
Be blessed!