We Are Commanded To Love
/John 15:12
“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.”
God showed us His love when He gave His Son. His Son showed us His love when He laid down His life and rose up with all power in His hands! Now this is love to the the greatest degree. The word of God didn’t ask us to show love by giving our life for one another, but it does ask us to to love one another as He loves us. What does love mean? Love means an intense feeling; a great interest toward someone or something. The Lord our God wants us to share our feelings and show a great interest in each other. He wants us to be our sister and brother’s keeper. He wants us to lift each other up not tear each other down. He wants us to rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn ( Romans 12:15). He wants us to encourage each other in His word and not destroy each other with words of discouragement. This tongue of ours is a two edged sword and we need to learn to seek the Holy Spirit before we speak to one another with the words from our mouth. In Ephesians 4:29 it says,
“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” If we love the way God wants us to love, then our words will give grace to those who hear. Showing genuine love is not just lip service, but it is practical, meaning if you see your brother or sister in need , don’t just say I understand and I’ll pray for you. No! You should reach out and help them physically with this need they have. If you are unable to help them yourself, then go out of your way and seek help for them.This is showing real love. When we love as Christ loves us, then we will walk in His humility and not puffed up in our pride. For example, it is not your place to tell your brother I never would have done that, your are foolish for doing it that way. No! If you see your brother or sister struggling in a particular area in their life, then you pray first and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in how to address that issue. Don’t come at them with your arrogance! Sit your pride down and pick up humility. When Christ walked this earth, He never walked in pride but in humility. So let us love one another as Christ loves us and be blessed by Christ’ love in return.
Be blessed