Who Do You Turn To?
/Isaiah 43:19
“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”
Who do you depend on to handle your issues? Is it you? Is it Oprah? Is it your spouse? Who? Who it should be is the Great Lord Almighty! He is the one who can keep you. He is the one who can strengthen you. He is the one who can make all things new. He is the one who will never leave you nor forsake you because He has said it in His word and He is a God who cannot lie. Where would we be without the Lord on our side. I know for me, I would be in a dark abyss with no end. I praise God for His hand in my life. I praise God for choosing me, choosing to do something new in my life. As I travel through 2020 I will let Him lead the way. I have learned that when I let Him take the wheel in my life, things go so much better. With Him driving, He knows how to curve around pot holes in the road. He knows which direction to go and not go. He can drive in rainy days as well as sunny days. With Him leading I’m bound to get to my destination on time. He is the best driver anybody could ever have. We just need to learn to trust His direction even though we don’t understand His way of getting to a certain destination. No matter what you may think or not think, I am staying the course as He leads me because I know He’s about to lead me into something new this year of 2020.
Be blessed!