Trust His Will
/2 Corinthians 9:8
'“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.”
Do you believe you serve an able God who can do exceedingly, abundantly above all you could ask or think? You do people of God, so don’t let satan or anyone he sends tell you otherwise. I’m a firm believer that if it is in His will for your life, He will make it happen for you. Many times we keep praying for things that are not in His will for our lives. So my suggestion to you is to pray and say Lord if this that I ask for is in your will, please let it happen for me. You can also ask Him to reveal to you, if what you ask for is in His will, and He surly will answer you because you are His child. The God we serve, loves and cares for us, so don’t doubt His ability to make things happen for you. If He did it for complacent, stubborn Israel, He surly will do it for you. If He did it for the Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace, He surly can put the fires out in your life. If He did it for Paul and Silas, He surly can loose the chains that are holding you down. If He did it for Daniel in the lion’s den, He surly can shut the mouths of those who have been sent to destroy your character. Our God can do anything except fail! So trust Him today to work out your situation. Trust Him today to make all grace abound toward you; that you have sufficiency in all things and it may abound to every good work in Jesus name.