Be Intentional
/If you allow the Word of God to engulf your life, you will find out that sin will become less and less in your life. The saying that says, "What you put in is what will come out" is true. You feed your mind with what God hates, then sin becomes easy for you. If you feed your mind with what God loves, then your life will find no room for sin. The Word of God will be so heavily present in your life that it will squeeze sin out.
Colossians 3:16
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”
So how can you fill your life with what God loves? First you accept Him as your PERSONAL SAVIOR, next you start receiving the Word of God through BIBLE TEACHING. Then, you start praying for God to give you an UNDERSTANDING of His Word. Now every chance you get start reading the WORD OF GOD. Put 3 reminders on your phone to remind you to pick up the Word of God daily. In the beginning stage of your walk with Christ, you must be INTENTIONAL! It is also good to put a SONG OF PSALMS, HYMNS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS of thankfulness on your playlist. There is something about gospel music that will ignite your fire to run with Christ a little while longer. Try it!
Finally, it is also important to keep company with friends who are striving to walk closer with Christ. Friends who are trying to squeeze sin out by filling their temple with the WORD OF GOD. If you truly want Christ in your life, then every move you make toward God must be intentional. He wants to dwell in you, but you have to make the first step. Then He can help you with the rest. Choose CHRIST today!