You Can Count On God
/Psalms 22:1-3
1 “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? Why are You so far from helping Me, And from the words of My groaning? 2 O My God, I cry in the daytime, but You do not hear; And in the night season, and am not silent .3 But You are holy, Enthroned in the praises of Israel.”
Our Lord and Savior cried out these very words while hanging on that cross even though He knew what His purpose was. David spoke these words in the book of Psalms when he was facing adversity. He struggled with not feeling God’s presence in his current situation but then he started thinking about how God had brought his forefathers through tough times, then he realized that since God had been there before, He would do it again. So David’s cry out turned into praise and worship. David started saying Lord you are holy and on the throne, I will put my trust in you just like my forefathers have done before me. David knew if he just stayed under the covering of God, he would prevail and God would get all the glory.
When Jesus cried these words, He knew the answer to His own question. He knew His Father had to turn away so He could fulfill His purpose here on earth which was so you and I could have a choice to choose Him and live eternally with Him and The Father. So now I know you might be crying out these words that Christ and David cried out but today there are 2 things I want you to know:
You must remember what God has done for you in the past and know that if He came through for you before, He can do it again. He is closer than you really know. Our God has never and will never leave you because He is a God that cannot lie. Instead of you being worried about what you have no control over, I want you to start thanking Him for what He has done and thanking Him for what He is going to do in your current situation. I want you to take off your physical lenses and put on your spiritual lenses and start thanking God for what He is doing for you in your right now situation. We serve an awesome God and I know He is doing something wonderful in your life and the life of your family right now.
Just like Christ, I want you to seek God for the purpose of this time in your life. There is always a purpose for what He allows in our life’s. The purpose behind His silence, you may understand and you may not understand but regardless if you understand it or not, just know that He has you covered in the midst of it all. He wants you to seek Him more so you can know your purpose behind this right now situation. When Christ was on that cross, He cried out those words of despair to His Father in His human flesh (physical eyes), but then knew it was His time to fulfill His purpose, so He hung His head and gave up the ghost so you and I could have a choice to choose Him and live eternally with His Father. In closing, when you are in the middle of your storm you must remember all the great ways He has taken care of you and you must seek God for understanding about His purpose for you behind your current situation. In the midst of everything you must Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' Mark 12:30. It is well!