Come Back
/Isaiah 53:6
“All we like sheep have gone astray;
We have turned, every one, to his own way;
And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God, but the good side is that we have a way back to Father through accepting His Son. His Son’s life was given so our sins past, present and future could be forgiven. So stop beating yourself up about the wrong you have done and fall to your knees and with a sincere heart, tell the Lord you are sorry and you repent of the wrong you have done before Him and His Father. Ask the Lord to help you redirect your life to the path He has carved out for you. Tell Him you are weak in this area and many more, but you have read in His word that when I am weak, You are strong. Tell the Lord you have been foolish and know the wages of sin is death, and you want to change your ways right now because without Him covering and guiding you, you are nothing but a sinner without Him. Tell the Lord that you rather be a sinner with Him leading and guiding you to victory and an eternal home with Him and His Father. Pray this prayer in all sincerity and the Lord your God will hear you and help you to be an overcomer in Jesus name. So don’t let anyone tell you that since you strayed away and left God’s path, you can’t come back. You can come back because God laid all your sins on His Son, so you could have the opportunity to come back and choose the right path that will lead you to eternal life. Praise God for Jesus!!!