This Life Matters
/When you think about how much God loves us and the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf so we could have eternal life, then why do Christians not strive MORE to be like Jesus Christ? We are not perfect and will never be, but we should have our minds made up by this point to live a righteous life. A life that is holy and acceptable to God, which is our true and proper worship. We still have Christians living defeated lives, Christians doing what they know is wrong and doing it any way. These Christians have accepted Jesus and will make it to Heaven, but unfortunately Heaven will never come to them. Meaning they will never experience the life God meant for them to live. They will only experience stress, defeat and lack because they insist on living a life that sins knowingly.
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
As humans, we will never be sinless, but Christ did not die so we could carry the weight of sin on our shoulders. He came to this earth to be an example of how He wanted us to live our lives. If you are a Christian and you know the life you are living is wrong in the sight of the Master, then this is the reason why Heaven will never come to you. Oh, you didn’t know God could give you a taste of Heaven on earth? Yes, He can do anything except fail. You could have problem free days. You could have days where you are at peace with everything around you. You could have days where He just gives you extra money from nowhere. You could have days where you don’t have to worry about anything because He has miraculously taking care of everyone of your wants and needs. Wouldn’t you love to experience a little of Heaven on earth? Then start walking in God’s truth. God sent His Son so you didn’t have to perish and can have eternal life with Him and Jesus. Start today living a life that mimics the way Christ lived while on this earth. Start living a life that speaks Jesus without opening your mouth. Start today living YOUR BEST LIFE through Jesus Christ our King!