We Are Overcomers
/Psalm 56:3
“Whenever I am afraid,
I will trust in You.”
No matter what is going on in this world, we who have been called according to His purpose, should show no fear, but proclaim our trust in the Savior who has conquered death and the grave. The Savior who has said He has overcome this world. If He is an overcomer , then you are an overcomer. We should never doubt His ability and strength to bring us out of any situation because He is a mighty warrior who is mighty in battle. He is a strong tower that the righteous can run to for safety. He is the way, truth and light. His rod and staff comforts us while we go through the valley of the shadow of death. We should never fear because He is always with us until the end of time. Surly the Lord is our shepherd and we should not want because He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. Which really means that everything belongs to the Lord and if it is in His Will for your life you will have it. Children of the most High, trust the Savior today and always know that He has your situation under control if you let Him.