Shift Your Mind
/I know during this time in your life it has been stressful and I know you have been talking to the Lord but I want your mind to shift today. What do I mean, when I say shift? I mean that I want us to focus on thanking our Father for sending His only Son, and His Son who willingly gave up His throne in glory to come to earth in the form of a mortal man. Do you realize He didn’t have to come to this earth? Do you realize He didn’t have to give His body to a crown of thorns on His head, or give large nails to His hands and feet and a spear to His side so YOU and I would have a choice to live eternally with Him and His Father? He did this all for His children, so for this alone, let’s set aside asking Him to cover us, which He has already done, and start thanking Him for what He has done for our spiritual growth in Him.
Philippians 2:7
“but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.”
Philippians 2:7 says,”He took on the humble position of a slave and was born as a human.” When He did that , He rewrote time present and future because we have a choice now until He returns to accept Him and the opportunity to live with Him forever and ever. Now that is enough to shout a great big glory hallelujah! I’m shouting because I know when the great tribulation comes, those of us who have been called according to His purpose will be long gone! Let me shout, hallelujah to the KING of kings and LORD of lords. Our Savior is great and worthy of praise and adoration. Let’s spend time today thanking Him for just being AWESOME!!