Who is the King of Glory?
/David in the book of Psalms asked this question and answered it. So whatever is going on around you, I don’t want you to be stressed about it because David tells us in the beginning of this very chapter, that everything on this earth and in this earth belongs to the creator of this earth who is none other than.......... the King of Glory. Since He made it, then everything, even the enemy we can’t see is in His hands. He has full control of everything that goes on down here. Now it is up to you and I to trust Him and don’t doubt His protective power over His children.
Psalms 24:10
“Who is this King of glory?
The Lord of hosts,
He is the King of glory.”
We also must remember that this earth that we are so worried about is not our permanent home, and what we need to be doing is making sure the people we love along with our hands are clean and our hearts are right and not lifted up in vanity and deceit. If our hearts are right and the people we love are straight with the Master, then surly we will all receive the blessings and righteousness from the God of Salvation.
So don’t spend your energy in worry mode but spend your time in Praise mode to the King of Glory who will prevail NOW AND FOREVERMORE! Don’t forget it or doubt it! So once again “Who is the King of Glory?” The Lord of host who is strong and mighty and mighty in battle is the King of Glory!