Take Action
/There is a passage of scripture in the Bible that says, “If you love me, feed my sheep” John 21:17. In this scripture Christ is letting us know that words don’t mean anything without action. Christ knew His disciple Peter loved Him, but He wanted him to know that if you say you love me, then be about my business and feed my people the Word of God just like I’ve been doing these past 3 years. Many people will say I love my church, but when asked to support the church, they are no where to be found or you have to beg them over and over again.
1 John 3:18
“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”
Christ once again has given us the perfect example of unconditional love when He laid down His life for you and me and didn’t ask for anything in return except to believe and go tell others. If you love someone, you must show it through your actions. What type of wife would I be if I say I love Pastor, but never cook for him, or help him in church ministry, or listen to him when he is perplexed with many people problems? This is the same for the Kingdom of God. How can you say you love the Lord, when you can never be found to do what He asked us to do in Matthew 28:19-20 “The Great Commission?” This scripture says to go (action) and make (action)disciples of all nations, baptizing (action) them in the name of the Father, Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching (action) them to obey (action) everything I have commanded (action) you. Look at all the action words in “The Great Commission.” This passage of scripture shows us clearly that Christ wants us to show love through our actions. Peter, after being asked if he loved Jesus was told to go(action) feed my sheep. He wanted Peter to go tell others about Him and His Father in Heaven.
So children of God, you cannot just say you love the Lord and never show it. You cannot say you love other people and never lift a finger to show them your love. This time in America is a great time to show the love of God by helping others in their time of need. Even if you say you don’t know anyone in need, then I suggest your church or a neighboring church is looking for those individuals who have the means to give (action) to help people who are suffering right now due to this world crises. Remember the words “I love you” is meaningless without action to back it up. Show(action) your love today whether it be to family members or strangers and receive a blessing in return.