Go Serve
/When asked why do I do what I do? My response is, “It is all for the glory of God.” This scripture today should be why we can’t say no to an opportunity to serve in the Kingdom of God. If He has done anything for you, then your answer when asked to serve, should be yes because I’m doing it for His Glory. You should never be afraid to step out your comfort zone to serve because God is there with you all the way. His promise that says, “ I’ll never leave you or forsake you” is what gives me comfort when asked to do something that is not in my norm. People of God there is a work to do and God is looking for those of you without excuses. He is looking for those of you that live by faith and not by sight.
Colossians 3:23-24
“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.”
Can you say you are a part of the team of Christians that are willing to serve in the Kingdom for His glory? Truly you are not the one that loves His blessings, but when He needs you to serve in your church, you have numerous excuses why you can’t do it? Well let me inform you that God is really tired of all your excuses. He is looking for servants that are willing to serve for His Glory and not because the church is begging for your help. It is time to work the work of Him who sent you, because night is coming when no man can work John 9:4. You don’t want to be caught in your night and your work is undone. So if you are not doing anything but soaking up His blessings, then you are truly selfish. You are that saint that likes to take, receive and not give back.
If this is you, then today your local church is calling out for help because, despite the Coronavirus, the church work must still go on. So turn your thinking around and be a willing servant and go serve in your local church because of who God is and not because I’m telling you to. Go SERVE!