Our Father’s Business
/Matthew 28:19
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:”
When you decided to give your life to Christ, you also decided to follow His Will for your life. What does that mean when I say to follow His Will for your life? Well, it means that you surrender ALL to Him. It means you are available to go and do whatever He wants you to do. One thing He definitely wants us to do is to go and tell more people about Him. He wants us to be about His business like He was about His Father's business for the time He was here on earth. When Christ came it was to seek and save sinners like you and me. He came to die so we could live eternally with Him and the Father. We who have been called out from among the rest have this same task . We are to go and tell others about this Awesome Savior we serve. We are to lead them from a life of damnation to a life of eternal life with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So if you thought being saved was so you could sit and do nothing, well let me enlighten you to the truth and that truth says you are to go ye therefore and bring others to Christ by leading them to accept the Savior into their heart so they can lead others to accept Christ. If we would make ourselves available to God and do what He has commanded, when He returns there would be more people going to meet Him in the sky. More people having the joy of reigning with Him for a thousand years. More people enjoying the new Heaven and the new earth that is to come. Don't you want others to feel this joy and peace YOU have because you know where you are headed in the end? If your answer is yes, then let's be about our Father's business as stated in Matthew 28:19.
Be blessed!