We Must Share the Gospel
/My question today is who is willing to share the gospel, no matter what?
John 7:38
“He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.”
Before I read this scripture today, my mind was thinking, are people reading the words from the Lord I post everyday? I was thinking maybe I should stop because people like pictures and really don’t click on anything that is more than 3 lines. As soon as those words crossed my mind, I read this scripture from John 7:38 that says if you believe on me, then from your heart flows the Living Water. That Living Water is Jesus Christ. In John 4:14 the word says, “but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” Our job is to share Christ to all who will listen no matter what. If I knew about a good sale, I would post it immediately and you would read the post to the end. You gain nothing from this post, in fact, if you buy something based on the post, you will give something to get something. The Living Water is not asking you to give something for something, Jesus is saying accept me and I will give you eternal life. The Living Water can set people free. The Living Water can give people hope and peace of mind. The Living Water can give people joy that this world can’t even understand. So why would I keep this Living Water to myself because people don’t like to read. No, my job is to share the Living Water to everyone regardless who reads it or not. It is not my job to base what He has called me to do on numbers or followers. He has not put me in this position to gain followers. He has put me in this position to share His gospel and His love. My job is to direct people to Him, so He can impact their lives and they can then share the Living Water with others. If you think about it, sharing the Living Water is just like the flowing water in a stream. It just flows and touches one surface after another surface. When we share the Living Water with others He flows from one soul to another soul, and this happens through us sharing about His goodness and power to others so they see and understand Him for themselves and then tell others. Our job of what God wants us to do is in Matthew 28:19, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost........” Based on this scripture we are commissioned to teach, which I say is to water, then our Heavenly Father will do the increase. So today my Heavenly Father please forgive me for taking my eyes off you and my purpose by looking at numbers. Give me your wisdom and knowledge to share you, “The Living Water” with others I pray in your name, Amen!