Look to the Word
/The Word of God is our road map through life. The Word of God helps us know the plan and purpose God has for us as we journey with Him. The Word of God gives clarity to things so messed up in this world. I wrote a post not long ago about there is nothing new on earth that has not been done already and the Word of God gives insight on how to get through those situations or how to avoid it all together. Of course you will never know what is in the Word of God if you don’t pick it up and meditate on the words God has given to men through divine intervention. As children of the Most High God, we are to meditate on His word at all times and obey His instruction so we may prosper and live a blessed life with Him.
Joshua 1:8
“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”
God’s word is the undeniable truth. You will never find any flaws in the word of God. People have tried to find untruth in the Word of God and have failed. You can read it backwards and forward and find nothing but the truth. You can read God’s word and find something new everyday that you didn’t read before. God’s word is so transparent. His word gives clear and precise instructions on how to handle certain situations. There is no other book like the word of God on this earth. So if you want to know about any situation you are currently in, you can find it in the word of God. You might have to google your situation and ask where in the Bible does it talk about............? Google will direct you to a passage of scripture that will be correct or close to where you need to start studying the Word of God for yourself, rightly dividing the word of truth. One thing I like about the Word of God is that every time you read it you will gain knowledge you didn’t have before and you will be blessed beyond measure.
Start today by picking up the Word of God and obeying everything written in it, so you can prosper and have good success.