The Key to Experiencing Joy
/Philippians 4:4
“Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.”
The only way to have this joy is to surrender ALL to Him. When you surrender all to Him, then His joy in you becomes your strength. His joy in you will make you smile in adversity. His joy in you will calm your anxiety and give you a peace that this world will NEVER know. His joy in you will make you look at your situation differently. Instead of looking at a glass half empty, you will see the glass as half full. His joy in you will make you strong and courageous to take on any challenge. This type of joy can only be given by the Savior and can only be taken away by the Savior. Do you want this joy? Do you want to have a calming peace in your life? Then as I stated before, you must surrender your ALL to Jesus. All to Him you must freely give. You must love and trust Him and be willing to live in His presence daily. This is what it takes to have a joy that passeth all understanding.