Confidence in God
/Hebrews 10:35
“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.”
There is a blessing with your name on it if you faint not. If you continue to run your race and don’t stop, there is victory at the finish line. You must trust the God we serve and trust His word. You must believe that He is a God that cannot lie. He said I will fight your battle, and He will. He said He will never leave you and you must believe He won’t. He said vengeance is mine and you must trust that He has you covered. He said I am your strength in weakness and you must hold on to that word. As a child of God, you can’t allow fear and faith to dwell inside you. You must decide if you are going to have the faith that God has you covered or you are going to trust the lies that satan is telling you and go hide in your fear. You can’t do both. You must know that faith will get you to the finish line but fear will stifle your progress and keep you stagnated. The word today says to not throw in the towel, just trust God to the end and enjoy the benefits that comes along because you trusted and never doubted Him.