Always Do Right
/The message today is to not give up. Don’t worry about what other people are getting away with, you just do what you know to be right in God’s eyesight. Sometimes we spend more time thinking about people’s failures instead of being on our knees in prayer about our own failures. Our loyalty lies with the Lord, for those that have been chosen by the blood of the Lamb. So our concern should not be on what others are getting away with, but on the mercy God is giving us who have sinned and come short of His glory.
God shows us favor everyday even though we don’t deserve His favor. He blesses us time and time again even though we fall short of His glory time and time again. I don’t know why Christians sometimes think they have arrived and are above others. We are not. Yes, we have been set a part, but it’s only by God’s grace and mercy that we are where we are today. If Christ was not on our side, we would be in the same boat with those we are worried about that are getting away with wrong doings. Let’s learn not to spend time in a frenzy about people, but more focused in prayer, asking the Savior to help us stay humble, help us to know right from wrong, and to help us look pass people’s faults and see their need for Him in their lives. We need to spend our time working the work of Him who has sent us because there will come a time when no man, including you and I can work. Let’s not be caught with our work undone because our focus was on frivolous things.
Galatians 6:9
“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”
We shouldn’t worry about what God can handle if we put it in His hands and leave it alone. We should spend our time seeking His face and leaning not to our own understanding about why certain people are getting away with this or that! Have you ever thought that these people who are getting away with things are not His children? Our God does not spend His time chastising unbelievers. The word of God says that He chastises those He loves. Instead of complaining and worrying about others, we should be thankful that if we are being chastised for something we did wrong, at least we know the Lord of lords loves us. At least you should be thankful that you are an heir to His Kingdom, and all belongs to you who trust Him.
So people of God, don’t worry that the evil ones are getting away with stuff because their day is coming and while you are walking the streets of gold, they will be walking the streets of fire for ever and ever! Keep doing what you know to be right and God will bless you in abundance.