Fix Your Priorities
/Amos 5:24
“But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.”
God in Amos 5, was not happy with Israel’s foolishness and He is not pleased right now with the way we treat Him. As Christians we are to love what God loves and hate what He hates. We were created to worship Him, but instead we are acting like the children of Israel. We seem to put everything before God. We put our jobs before Him. We put pleasure before Him, we can’t worship because we got this cruise to go on or we have this lame excuse that this is the only day we have to spend with family.
Excuses! Excuses! Excuses!
What if He decided to allow satan the opportunity to wipe you out? Then you wouldn’t have family, or money to even go on a cruise. We need to watch ourselves when we start putting stuff before God. Israel did and He said I don’t want your sacrifices, the land you have toiled over, you will not get a chance to experience its fruits. God didn’t take pleasure in anything they had to offer Him because of the way they treated Him while in the wilderness. We know how foolish they were. They were building golden calfs and doubting the God who had delivered them from hundreds of years of bondage. This is us too. The God we serve has delivered us from the bondage of no job to a good job, from the bondage of a terrible job to a great job, from the bondage of a failed marriage to a good marriage sometimes with the same mate we couldn’t stand in the early part of our marriage, from the bondage of no children to healthy children, from the bondage of health issues to no health issues, from the bondage of being homeless to having a place to call home. God has been good to you but you come up with excuses to not give Him everything He deserves from you as His child. The scripture today states that justice will surly come upon you like a river, but also if you live right and give God the glory and honor He deserves then righteousness will run like a mighty rushing stream that never ends. Now I don’t know about you, but I want the blessings from God that never ends, and not His wrath that is also continuous and steady like a river.
Children of God, stop being ungrateful, and foolish like the children of Israel . Instead seek the Lord in everything you do. When He blesses you, tell Him thank you for His mighty hands in your life. Always be grateful for His presence in your life and the life of your family. As the scripture states, “Be thankful unto Him and bless His name, for the Lord is good and His mercy endureth forever.” Glorify Him every chance you get. Don’t put Him second, but always put Him first. Seek Him first and all other things will be added unto you, but put Him last and all other things will be taken away from you. You will be like the children of Israel who never made it to the land of promise because of their foolishness. Seek the Lord today for His wisdom to do right and ask Him for forgiveness for putting Him second instead of first!
Be blessed today as you put your priorities in the correct order.