Give Thanks in EVERYTHING!
/1 Thessalonians 5:18
“in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
The Word of God says that we who have been called according to His purpose should give thanks in EVERYTHING! It didn’t say only when He blesses you, you give thanks. It didn’t say when everything is going well, give Him thanks. The word today says we should give thanks even when life’s obstacles are closing in on us. We should give thanks even when there seems like no way out. We should give thanks even when death comes knocking on our door. Yes even in death. Why? Because He gave you the opportunity to make precious memories with that person, whether long or short, you still made memories. Just think, you are still here to make more memories, so for that alone you should give thanks. When you are waiting between jobs give Him thanks for the jobs you’ve had and give Him an in advance thank you for the job He is about to bring your way. Give the Savior thanks because no matter what may come your way, He has always kept His promises to you because He is a God who cannot lie. In His word, He has said He will NEVER leave you or forsake you, and for that alone, you need to say thanks. So since He will NEVER leave you, then you should thank the Master in EVERYTHING! If the truth be told, if He never does anything else for you, He did enough when He laid down His life on that old rugged cross so you and I could spend eternity with Him instead of hell. That’s enough to shout about and truly enough to say thank you, over and over again. We truly serve an amazing God, who sits high but looks low. An amazing God who truly cares for you because He has said in Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. An amazing God who has said Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
We serve a great God and for that alone we should always remember to say thank you in EVERYTHING because this is His will for us.