Walk It Like You Talk It
/The Lord is looking for true believers of His Word. Those that live what they speak about. Those that are NOT saying one thing and living another way. If you are on the Lord’s side then let your speech and actions mimic each other. When the Lord returns, you don’t want to hear Him say depart from me because I don’t know you . If you continue to live this double life, then that’s exactly what He will say.
1 Corinthians 13:1
“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.”
The word of God says your actions and what you say should match because when Christ walked this earth, He spoke truth, saved many souls and showed compassion and love to everyone, even those that hated Him. If you are going to be about your Father’s business, then your actions must resemble the God’s truth you speak about.
Remember this: People will only listen if they can see Christ living in you because actions speak louder than words any day of the week.
Be blessed!