There is Strength in Humility
/Proverbs 22:4
“By humility and the fear of the Lord
Are riches and honor and life.”
When you humble yourself before the Lord, He will honor you and lift you up before man. James 4:10 Even the Lord humbled himself before His Father, by saying “Not my will but thine be done.” When He humbled Himself before His Father, His Father placed ALL power of Heaven and earth in His hands. Being humble is not a sign of being weak, but a sign of strength and wisdom in adversity or bad situations. Many people want to always react to situations right then just to show that they are not weak, but pride comes before a fall. So it’s okay to backup and give that situation to the Father so He can handle it once and for all and lift you up all at the same time. He has said, I will make you rulers over many....Matthew 25:23 because of your faithfulness and obedience to His will for your life. Don’t get caught up in the way man thinks or the way man handles situations, just humble yourself and allow the Lord to lead and guide you to victory. I guarantee that if you follow the Master’s way, you will get to victory much faster than doing it your own way. When we go through things, we are to trust the Lord God with all our hearts and lean not to our own understanding Proverbs 3:5. When the scripture talks about fear the Lord, it is not talking about being scared of the Lord, but it is talking about we should reverence Him to the point that we do not want to do anything that would displease Him. So today work on walking in humility and moving forward in His will for your life so that He May honor and lift you up before men.
Be blessed!