God Cares About How You Treat Others
/In Luke 6:31 and Matthew 7:12, the Word of God talks about doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. Notice the scriptures does not say do unto others like they did you. If we go around treating people like they treat us, then we would not be following the way Christ wants us to treat people. Our way would be if you treat me nice, I treat you nice but if you treat me wrong, then I will treat you wrong. This way of living would be contradictory to the way God has written it in the Bible. Just think, if Christ treated us like we treat Him, we definitely would be messed up. We would all be on our way to hell, because look how many times He was rejected while on earth, not to count the many times we have rejected Him and fallen short of His Glory. So Christ has given us the best example through the way He dealt with people long ago and the way He deals with us today. I don’t know about you, but I thank God everyday for His Grace and Mercy toward me. I’m so glad He does not treat me the way I’ve treated Him in my past. I’m just shameful right now thinking about how I’ve acted toward the Savior. This is why I come humbly before Him and thank Him everyday for loving me in spite of my wicked ways. Reaching down and pulling me out of darkness into the marvelous light. Praise God that He loved us enough to die for our sins past, present and future! This God we serve has clearly laid out the way we should treat others, and we should follow in His Son’s footsteps and do right by others, by loving and being kind to them in an humble manner. We should strive to treat others the way Christ treats us. He does not condemn or put down. He does not throw our past in our face. He does not come with this Holy than thou attitude even though He is Holy. He loves us for who we are in Him. Let’s think about the way we treat people in our many arenas, are you satisfied with your actions or better yet do you think God is pleased with the way you treat others? Think about it today as you meditate on Micah 6:8, Luke 7:31 and Matthew 7:12.
Be blessed!
Micah 6:8
“He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?”