The Greatest Display of Love
/There has been no greater display of love than when Christ gave up His deity to come to earth and walk among us so we could have a choice in the life we live. He not only came, but He sacrificed Himself for us on that old rugged cross so we could have a choice in this life we live to spend eternity in hell or with Him. There has been no greater love displayed than this act of selflessness. Yes, I know people from the Bible days till now have lost their lives for their belief, but none of them have sacrificed their life for an entire race of people. Not one! Only Christ has sacrificed his life, gave up His royalty, emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men (Philippians 2:7). He is the only one that has shown this ultimate sacrifice of love. Now when you think about what Christ has done for you, what are you holding back doing for the Kingdom because you think you don’t have the ability or you don’t have the resources? What is stopping you from being counted among the faithful ones who has made a commitment to Christ and is standing by it today? Some of us have started out strong but has allowed the weight of this world slow us down. I want you to start thinking about that ultimate sacrifice of love displayed by Christ for you and get back to what God has laid on your heart to do for the Kingdom. Remember this race is not given to the swift but to the one who endures to the end(Ecclesiastes 9:11). So get up and be about your Father’s business! He qualifies those He chooses to use, so don’t think you don’t have what it takes to make a difference because if God has put it in your spirit to do then He has or will give you everything to make it happen. Trust Him today and don’t allow the enemy to slow you down or make you stop spreading the Gospel to all who listen as you tell them about our Savior who loves them unconditionally. He loves them so much that He gave up His deity to come and die on an old rugged cross. Tell them He didn’t stay dead, but got up with ALL power in His hands and is now sitting at the right hand of His Father. He is waiting for those of us who have decided to make Jesus our choice. Is that you today? Have you decided to make Jesus your choice? As we continue in the Spirit of Christ, let’s never forget the ultimate sacrifice of love Christ did for us.
Be blessed!
John 15:13
“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”