Love & Kindness Go A Long Way
/Yesterday we talked about the ultimate sacrifice of love was given to us when Christ came and died for our sins. There has never been and never will be a greater display of love than this. As I read the scripture today, what strikes me is the part that says, l have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” When Christ came, He never used a condescending attitude to lead people to Him. He never dismissed someone as worthless. His words were firm but never harsh. The Pharisees and Sadducees always tried to trap Jesus in one way or another, but He always spoke truth and answered their question with a question. This drove them crazy. He never dismissed them, when He could have. When we look at the many people Who began to follow Christ, we notice that many of these people were undesirable, but He tolerated them and showed nothing but respect, love and kindness toward them all. The way Christ changed the hearts of those He came in contact with is the example we should take when bringing others to Christ. Many times even though Christian saints mean well, they seem to bring an air of arrogance and a condescending attitude when it comes to trying to get unbelievers to believe. This method only turns them away more. They turn a deaf ear to what is being said because of the way it is being presented. We must remember that we can’t beat the love of Jesus into anyone, but we can plant the seed of eternal life into them and pray for the watering which will grow into their spirit. We must remember that love and kindness goes a longer way than the words that come from our mouth. If we show the love of Christ, it will soften the heart of the unbeliever and then you will have an opportunity to share the Gospel with them. So remember let your words be firm but not harsh, your actions loving and not condescending. Plant the seed of eternal life through your words of truth and kindness, then step back and watch God do the rest.
Be blessed!
Jeremiah 31:3
“The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying:
“Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love;
Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.”