Take it to Jesus….First
/God prepares those He chooses to use, so do not give the enemy the satisfaction of doubting the God you serve. He has said in His word that I will never leave thee or forsake thee and He is a God that cannot lie. So trust Him with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding, but acknowledge Him in ALL your ways and He will direct your path. He will show you step by step how to accomplish the task He has set before you. Now what you need to make sure of is that this is the direction God wants you to take. Where we mess up many times is taking on task that has not been approved by God. You didn’t consult Him before taking on the task, then you get upset with Him when you call on Him and He does not respond. Our lives were created to glorify God, so that means everything we do should have His approval. When I say everything, I mean everything. The house you want should have His approval, the car you want should have His approval, the spouse you want should have His approval, the job you want should have His approval. Many times we find ourselves in a bad place because we did not consult God before leaping into that situation. We jumped first and then decided to ask God, this way of thinking is totally backwards. The Word says, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness and all other things will be added unto you. You must seek Him through prayer and fasting. Yes you can fast for that house you want, or spouse you desire.” The Word of God also says, “ Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait on the Lord! Sometimes we have a hard time waiting on the Lord for the things we want. When you learn how to wait on the Lord and stop rushing into things that are not for you, your life will be so much better. Our God says that He knows the plans He has for each of us, and it is to prosper us and not to harm us. God does not want us to suffer, but when we do things that is not in His will for our lives, then we feel the discomfort from that decision, and sometimes that discomfort last a long time. That car you didn’t need, but you got anyway without consulting God and it is on your credit as a repo. That spouse you married or person you hanging with that you didn’t consult God about and now they are like a leech, sucking all the life out of you. The word today says that He has not given you the spirit of fear, but of love and a sound mind. This is God’s word and it is true but you must make sure that you have consulted the Master first before taking on a task that He has not approved of. In other words, when you say you are living your life according to the Word of God, then don’t pick and choose which word you will follow, but strive to follow all of God’s word for it is good for you.
Be blessed!
2 Timothy 1:7
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”