You Know…
/Matthew 6:8
““Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.”
When you go to God in prayer, you don’t need to go into a full dissertation. You just go straight to what you need. I think sometimes we forget that God knows everything about us, He just wants us to develop an intimate relationship with Him. Do you have an intimate relationship with our Father or are you that Christian in name only? You don’t really pray unless there is a need. You can never find time to read and understand His word. You are too busy to come to Bible class. In fact, you barely have time to worship Him on Sunday’s. You are the Christian that has a checklist that you must follow and there is a spot that says “go to church “ and you put a check by that item on your list, then go on to the next item on your check list. Does this sound like you or are you the Christian that prays in season and out of season because you know that there is power in prayer. You know that God created us to worship Him. You know the importance of reading God’s word. You know that the only way to know what He can do is by reading His word. You know that every question you have can be answered in the Bible. You know that Bible class is the place to go if you need God’s word broken down so you can understand it. Now of course that is only if you attend a church where your pastor knows how to rightly divide the word of truth and not put his own twist on it. You know the importance of getting under a shepherd who has a spiritual gift of teaching or exhortation. You know the importance of giving your all to the Master because He wants all of you. You know the importance of trying to be more like Him everyday, liking what He likes and hating what He hates. You know He is a God that will never leave you nor forsake you. You know all power is in His hands. You know that He can fight every battle for you if you give it to Him to work it out. You know the importance of building a relationship with Him so He can truly know what you need before you ask Him. So don’t be that sometimes Christian that really doesn’t understand God at all and thinks the only way He hears you is if you pray this long prayer that really doesn’t make any sense at all. The “A” portion of this scripture talks about those that just babble and not really say anything meaningful. Don’t let that be you. Come to the Father right now while the blood is running warm in your veins and tell Him what He already knows. Then step back and watch Him work. It will blow your mind what our God can do for those of us who diligently seek Him.
Be blessed!