Satan is Not Your Friend
/John 10:10
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
I do not know why Christian people intentionally entangle themselves with the enemy. You know what you are doing is not pleasing in the Lord’s eyesight, yet you still get yourself all entangled with satan’s foolishness. If you don’t know, then let me tell you loud and clear, satan is not your friend. I repeat, satan is not your friend! When we entangle ourselves with satan, he does nothing but make our lives a living hell. Nothing ever good comes from dealing with the enemy because his sole purpose of roaming this earth is to steal, kill and destroy your testimony by any means. When we entangle ourselves with satan, he causes a ripple effect in our lives. For example, when I got married, I still wanted to do things my way. I didn’t believe in communication. I believed that my money was mine and his money was ours. I bought things and did things that were not pleasing in the Lord’s sight, and till today I am still feeling the effect of satan’s interference in the early part of my marriage. His interference caused our finances to go on a downward spiral and believe it or not, I am still feeling the pinch of not doing marriage the way God stated it to be in Genesis 2:24: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Christ has said that when two are joined together they are to become one. That means in every aspect of your life, you and your spouse are to make decisions together for the growth of your family. Instead of me acting on this scripture, I did the opposite and still today over 20 years ago our family’s finances are not the way God intended it to be. My decision to deal with satan has caused me to do the opposite of what God has stated in His word about being the lender and NOT the borrower and the head and NOT the tail. Satan’s job is to mess you up and have you look back and see the way your life should have been. I wanted to give an example about finances because this is the most often way satan gets us messed up. We are so messed up that we don’t have the means of giving to the things of God. We can’t do what God has said in His word about giving that 10th of our earnings. When you choose to do things your own way, there is a ripple effect that causes you to be the opposite of what God intended. You are now the borrower,always behind in one bill or another, you are at the end, always one step behind. Now can God bring you out? Yes, He can do it, but there are consequences for allowing yourself to get tangled up with the enemy and it hurts. There are many other ways we tangle ourselves with the enemy and sometimes the enemy has us so blind that we cannot see it. We can’t see that this man or women is sucking all the life out of us and have us moving in the opposite direction from what God intended. We can’t see that having sex before marriage is not right because satan says, “If you love him/her and you plan to marry, then it’s okay.” We can’t see that buying that car is above our pay scale, the enemy will allow the dealer to say you are “APPROVED!” with a smile, and you move forward and buy this car that will keep you from doing anything meaningful with your money. The church ask each person to give $30 extra each Sunday and you can’t do it because your money is used up to the max with no wiggle room. You can’t see that talking about what’s going on with Sis. A is really gossiping. Satan has you so wrapped up nicely that you don’t realize that you are talking but not making any moves to help Sis. A. I could bring out other areas that satan has trapped us. He has and still is giving us a false reality and we believe him over God. Wake up people of God, satan is not your friend today or any other day! To miss these pitfalls you must pray for discernment. Pray to God that He leads you beside the still water and that He anoints your head with oil, that your cup runs over. Pray that you will learn to listen to the Holy Spirit. If you pray and remain humble, He can lead you in the path of righteousness. Remember the enemy is not your friend, so get away from him!!
Be blessed!