Pray For The Foolish
/Proverbs 18:2
“A fool does not care whether he understands a thing or not; all he wants to do is show how smart he is.”
Do you have a fool in your life? A person who does not care to understand anything except what is on his/her mind. A person who only works from the heart of self instead of the heart of God. A person who does not listen to reason. A person who believes whole heartedly that their thinking is correct and your thinking does not quite connect the dots. A person who knows the Bible but doesn’t have the Word of God in their heart. A person who knows God, but has no relationship with Him. Do you know a person like this? If you do, the best thing you can do is pray for this person. Do not get into a battle of words with this person because they will not listen to you. Do not allow them to suck you into their way of thinking that is contrary to the thought process of God. The very best thing to do for a person like this is to pray for God to change their heart and reveal Himself to them. Pray for patience and wisdom for yourself. You will need the type of wisdom Abigail had when she dealt with her husband Nabal. The name Nabal means fool, and truly Nabal was a fool. His foolish thinking almost led his family to their death by the sword of David. David was about to sin against God because of a fool, but Abigail’s wisdom from God saved her family from death and saved David from taking matters into His own hand. Abigail told David to put down his sword and allow the Lord God of Israel fight his battle. He did and God vindicated him by striking Nabal who eventually died because of his foolishness. If you open your mouth and pray, God can and will deliver this person’s mind, and open his/her eyes to reveal His purpose and will for their lives. Your prayer for this person should be that he/she would die to sin and become a new creature in Jesus Christ. It can happen, but YOU must be prayerful. Prayer is the key that opens doors and changes lives.
Be blessed!