The Way
/Matthew 7:13-14
““Go in through the narrow gate, because the gate to hell is wide and the road that leads to it is easy, and there are many who travel it. But the gate to life is narrow and the way that leads to it is hard, and there are few people who find it.”
The Word today is really saying the straight and narrow way is the only way to the Father. The word of God says in John 14:6, “Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but through me.” People come up with one gimmick or another when it comes to entering the Kingdom of Heaven but there is only one way and that is through the Savior. Which means you must start mimicking Him instead of following the gimmick. The gimmick is the wide door but the Savior is the narrow door. You must learn to love the things He loves and hate the things He hates. You must repent, which means to turn your back on sin and follow the real truth. There is nothing under the sun that can get you to the Son, but relinquishing your will for His will for your life. His will for your life is the only way to His Father in Heaven. So stop trying to do all these other things like sing in the choir, give your money to the church, talk about Jesus on your Facebook page, feed the homeless, read your bible from cover to cover, know some scriptures by heart, if you have not given your heart to Christ. Yes! Yes! All these deeds are good deeds but if you have not fully given your life to Christ and walked through that narrow door, you might be blessing others but what you are doing is in vain because you have not really given your heart to Christ. You can’t come to Christ through the back door, you must come to Him through the door He has opened especially for you. You must stop sitting on the fence with one leg on the world’s side and one on the Kingdom’s side. Christ is not pleased with your wishy, washy attitude. He doesn’t want part of you, He wants ALL of you. If you come to Jesus just as you are, He will clean you up and allow all those things you are doing to really become a blessing to others AND to you. The straight and narrow way is the only way.
Be blessed!