No Turning Back
/Galatians 5:24
“And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”
When you said yes to Jesus, you said no to sin. Now do old habits end immediately? No they don’t, but as you start moving in different circles and being around other Christians, your old habits will start dropping off one bad habit at a time. But do know, if you continue running in the same circles and with the same people who don’t fear God, then you will find it hard to keep your yes to Jesus and your no to the enemy. Know this too, the enemy does not want to lose you. So he will do and say anything to keep you away from that commitment you promised the Savior when you gave your will to the Will of Christ.
When you read God’s word more pray more, move in different circles and hang around believers, you will begin to shed those sins of bondage and the old man will become new and start being the salt of the earth and the light of the world. You will start seeking Christ for every decision you make . You will stop walking in vain glory but now walk in the Spirit. You will relinquish self and allow the Holy Spirit to take over your life. The Word today says because you belong to Christ you will now turn your back to your selfish desires and things that easily beset you, and start looking to Jesus who is now your author and finisher of your faith.
Trust the Savior because He knows what’s best for you and because you have said yes to Him, He will send the Holy Spirit to dwell in you and help you begin your new life with Him.
Be blessed!