Prepare for Spiritual Warfare
/The word today tells us that we must suit up for war like a good soldier. Have you ever seen a soldier go to war without his weapon? Certainly not, he cleans it and makes sure it is operating correctly. We must do the same for this Great War we are in. We too must clean and prepare our weapon for battle. You will not know how to use your weapon, which is the word of God unless you attend a bible teaching class that dives into the word of God scripture by scripture. The Word of God is your ammunition against the enemy, and if you want to be able to shoot to kill, you must hide His Word in your heart so you will not sin against Him.
Ephesians 6:11
“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”
A true soldier practices consistently. He drills himself on the tactics of his enemy. We too must do the same, we must practice in season and out of season with the Word of God in order to know what to do and say when the enemy is attacking on every side.
The word today says put on the whole armor of God, so that means you must have not only God’s Word, but you must have His Peace that passeth all human understanding. His Salvation which means you have been purposely chosen to fight in this spiritual war. Have faith to know that He is always by your side. Faith to know that even though the fiery darts are coming, He is there either walking with you through the storm or carrying you through the storm. You need His precious Holy Spirit, that dwells in us to shield and guide us while in battle. You also need His truth. This truth that will set the captives free, and open blinded eyes.
People of God you will never win this spiritual war if you are not suited up properly with the equipment given to us by The General Himself, God. A good soldier is always prepared for his enemy, so you must ask yourself if you are prepared for the enemy. If not, today is a good day to start preparing yourself by suiting up with the full armor of God for this war with our arch enemy, satan, whose purpose is to kill you! Don’t lose to the enemy when you’ve been given everything to win.
Be blessed