Be Humble & Repent
/Romans 4:7
“Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven,
And whose sins are covered;”
It is a wonderful thing that we who are called according to His purpose serve a forgiving God. A God who not only forgives, but blesses us too. Now the problem comes in when we don't humble ourselves before The Master, and tell Him we are sorry for our mess up then ask for His forgiveness. Please know that if you do not have a repentant heart, then you will never receive God's forgiveness or His blessings. Don't allow your pride and stubbornness to stand between you and your blessings.
Also, if you rely on the Holy Spirit that dwells in you, then you would find yourself not doing so many sinful things that you need to repent for. The Holy Spirit is our guide and He is talking to us daily, but we are not listening. I'm not going to talk about how we completely ignore the Holy Spirit today, but will on another day. Today just know that you have a loving and forgiving Father who loves you so much that He sent His Son to die for YOU, and because Jesus allowed His blood to flow from His body, your sins past, present and future are forgiven.
Isn't that a wonderful blessing in its self?