The Best Decision of Your Life
/We serve a GREAT God who has the power to MAKE everyone choose Him, but decided to give us the opportunity of choice. He didn't want to force people to accept Him, but to choose Him. Now when we make that decision to accept Him into our lives, the power of the Holy Spirit has freed us from the power of sin that will eventually lead to death. What does this mean? It means that your choice to choose the Savior is what will keep you from going to hell.
Romans 8:2
“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.”
When we choose Christ, we are stepping from darkness into the wonderful light. When we choose Christ, we become the salt of the earth. What does salt do to food? Salt enhances the flavor of food. So we who have decided, not forced, to make Jesus our choice become the light of the world. We are commissioned to go tell others, which is sprinkling salt, about a Savior who died so we could be FREE from the bondage of hell.
So, choosing Jesus is the best decision you’ve made in your entire life. Now you have the POWER over sin that leads to death! Now that deserves a victory shout! Praaaaaaaaaise the Lord!
Be blessed!