Sacrificial Love
/John 15:13
“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
This is actually what Christ did for you and I . He carried His cross up Golgotha’s hill and allowed Himself to be humiliated. He allowed men to put nails in His hands and feet. He allowed man to pierce Him in the side with a sphere. He allowed man to put a crown of thorns on His head. He allowed man to beat Him with a whip. He endured all of this for you and I. This was the ultimate sacrifice He made for us. Christ laid down His life, so we could have eternal life. He died that day over two-thousand years ago, but even though man tormented Him, nailed His hands and feet, pierced Him in the side, man could not hold Him in the grave because He did not allow it.
Notice earlier in this reading I kept saying “he allowed man to.....” but this time He did not give them permission to keep Him in a borrowed man’s tomb. In fact, He came out of that tomb better than He went in because before He had on flesh and blood, but when He came out, He had on immortality and all power of Heaven and earth was in His hands.
He went back to His Father and is now waiting on us to choose Him. He is waiting on us to study to show ourselves approved unto God. He is waiting on us to bring others to Him, so they can experience this personal relationship with Him.He is waiting on us to build a personal relationship with Him. I am so glad I am a friend of the most high King of kings and Lord of lords. I am so glad that I decided to make Jesus my choice. I am so glad that He loved me enough to give His body to torment and pain, so I could be free from the bondage of hell. We serve a mighty good Savior who loves us unconditionally. He didn’t just talk love, but he showed us real sacrificial love. We should always take our lead from the Master. He showed us how to take up our cross no matter how heavy and follow Him, and now He is showing us what true love looks like.
So my brothers and sisters in Christ, we know that out of faith, hope and love, love is the better of the three. So when you say you love a person , don’t just say you love them but show it! Let’s be like Christ today and share His love to family, friends and this dying world we live in. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for a friend.